SUN DIAM deals in the world's finest round and fancy diamonds. More than Eighty
percent of our rounds are judged Triple EX for excellence in cut, polish and symmetry.
Through our commitment to the highest standards, we deal in exclusive solitaires
that range from 0.30 to 10.00 carats, from D to M colors, and from FL to I1clarities
in Lab GIA, HRD & IGI. And non-certified parcels 0.14 to 0.40 carats.
Embracing our vision and values will strengthen our brand and make our customers
as proud to buy diamonds from us as we are to sell them.
SUN DIAM continually motivates & trains it’s all employees to providing its VAS (Value
Added Services) to members.
Team work
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much". Our highly qualified team
enables us to wholesale loose diamond with utmost professionalism.
We have best quality diamonds for sale, if you would like to have more knowledge
about diamonds for sale, our team will assist you at every stage and make your experience
world class.
Customer services
“Our focus is making customer relations, sales may follow”. This has always been
our motto, and is the reason for our impeccable reputation in the industry.
We are proud to provide express services to our customer. Our marketing team is
known for its prompt follow up consistent understanding of customer requirement.
Our train work force helps us meet customer expectation well in time.